Week 6 - Term 1 Newsletter 2024
Principal's Message
Next week students in Years 3 & 5 will be sitting their NAPLAN Assessments, with testing taking place next Wednesday 13th & Thursday 14th. These test sessions will take place as follows:
- Wednesday 13th March - Writing (Year 3 will be a pen & paper test) & Reading
- Thursday 14th March - Language Conventions & Numeracy
We wish these students the best of luck, and I know their classroom teachers have made it clear to the students that these tests are merely an opportunity to showcase what they know and can demonstrate and what they can improve on. Whilst I acknowledge NAPLAN can be contentious in some households and that it only shows a snapshot of a child's learning profile, as a school, we use this data further to inform our teaching & learning in the classrooms & particularly look at long-term trends and areas to improve as a school.
Parent Forum AGM & Class Parents Contacts
Thank you to all our parents who could attend our Parent Forum AGM in Week 4. It was lovely to meet as a group and set out the direction for 2024 with regard to Parent Voice, Parent Community and Parent Learning. I want to reiterate that ALL PARENTS are welcome to attend our Parent Forum Meetings each term; it is not a closed meeting, so please, if you are even interested in finding out more, make sure to attend our Term 2 meeting.
As this meeting was also an AGM, we were able to elect the Executive for the 2023 & 2024 School Year, and I am pleased to announce the following parents have accepted positions on the Forum:
- Chairperson: Lauren Kirkland
- Secretary: Bec Upston
- Treasurer: Rebekah Jillett
- Parent Assembly Rep: Bel Chapman
- Parish Rep - VACANT
An equally important role within the Parent Forum is our Class Reps; please find below our Year Level Representatives:
- Kindergarten: Caitlyn Thomas
- Year 1: Alison Barrett
- Year 2: Josie Donaldson
- Year 3: Michelle Firth
- Year 4: Connie Ellis
- Year 5: Jessica Elms
- Year 6: Bec Bennett
After consulting with the Parent Forum and our Class Parents for 2024, please be advised that all Class Parent Reps that sit on the Parent Forum will be provided with all families' contact details for each of their classes. The purpose of this request, which is done each year, is to enable our class parents to create their own email/messenger/WhatsApp group, allowing for further communication regarding both 'in-school' and 'out of school' events and, most importantly, for our new families to remain connected with and hold a sense of belonging.
If you WOULD NOT like your personal contact details shared with your Class Parents, please contact the School Office directly; otherwise, I will presume you are happy for this to occur.
Thanks again to our Parent Forum members for showing initiative in this & I trust that this will ensure student wellbeing is at the forefront.
St Joseph's Feast Day
As you may be aware, I am pleased to let you know that we will be celebrating the Feast Day of St. Joseph soon on Tuesday 19th March, as a school community. We warmly invite you to meet us at Brooms Head Beach to help us celebrate this day as a school community.
During this day, students will participate in a Liturgy by the beach, a beach walk & organised class activities. It is anticipated that this will be a day of reflection and relationship building amongst all students & staff and an excellent opportunity to strengthen our community.
We will start with our Whole School Liturgy at the Lagoon (beach-side) as you pass the Bowling Club upon entering the town. Students will walk down the beach from the Caravan Park to the Lagoon and, following the liturgy, will proceed to walk back and participate in some class-based beach activities. We intend to set up an organised area (dependent on campers) near the undercover BBQ area. Any parental assistance to help with serving lunch would be greatly appreciated.
Parent-Teacher Interviews
Please be advised that our Term 1 Parent-Teacher Interviews will be held in Week 9 this term (Monday 25th - Thursday 28th March). Please note Interviews are strictly 20 minutes, and spaces are limited. All parents/caregivers are encouraged to attend these meetings to discuss your child’s transition into the new school year and, together, set important learning goals for Term 2 and identify ways we can each best support your child.
Information will be sent out early next week via our Compass APP. Interview times will be booked through the COMPASS PORTAL.
If you have any issues with the booking process, please ring the School Office on 66452340, and we can book you in.
Alternate arrangements - END OF DAY PROCEDURES
If your child is being picked up by another adult not on our school records as one of your emergency contacts, you must notify the school of your alternate arrangements. Since transitioning back to school this year, we have had several incidents of confusion around the end-of-day pick-up. I ask that if you are having another parent collect your child on your behalf, you ring the Front Office on 66452340 before 3 pm to ensure that both staff and the student/s are aware of this change and that in the event of a regular arrangement being granted that the School Office has been provided permission in writing.
I trust you have a settled and safe weekend with your families.
Kind regards
Upcoming School Dates
- Monday 11th March - Silent Disco and Welcome BBQ 5pm - 7pm (Week 7)
- Wednesday 13th March - Thursday 14th March - NAPLAN Years 3 & 5 (Week 7)
- Friday 15th March - S2 &S3 Excursion - Little Mermaid Musical (Week 7)
- Tuesday 19th - St Jospeh's Feast Day Brooms Head (Week 8)
- Parent Teacher Interviews (Week 9)
- Thursday 28th March - Easter Liturgy (Week 9)
- Good Friday 29th March (Week 9)
- Easter Monday 1st April (Week 10)
- Tuesday 2nd April - School Cross Country (Week 10)
- Monday 8th April - Visual Arts Night (Week 11 - CHANGE OF DATE)
- Tuesday 9th April - Zone Cross Country (Week 11)
- Wednesday 10th April - Anzac Day Liturgy (Week 11)
- Thursday 11th April - SRC Fun Day (Week 11)
- Thursday 11th April - Last Day of Term 1
- Friday 12th - Staff Develeopment/Pupil Free Day
Leaders of Learning
A New 3-6 Syllabus
As part of the NSW curriculum reform, the new English and Maths 3-6 syllabus has been introduced in schools this year. Developed based on evidence, it has been written to ensure a smoother progression of learning. Building upon the foundational K–2 curriculum, the emphasis is on essential knowledge, understanding, and skills to ensure students are better equipped for academic success.
In English, the focus is on developing skills needed by all students to promote competence in oral language, reading and writing. There is a continued emphasis on exploring quality texts alongside a more explicit approach to teaching writing. Additionally, there is greater emphasis on regular reading to enhance fluency and expand vocabulary.
In Mathematics, there's a renewed focus on "working mathematically." This approach encourages students to communicate their reasoning, understanding, and fluency while engaging in problem-solving activities. It fosters critical thinking skills and strengthens mathematical proficiency.
Mrs Senz, Mrs Mullins & Mrs Mclennan
Leader of Mission
Incitare Retreat
Last Friday, Mr Gilchrist and Miss Ava accompanied Year 6 to McAuley Catholic College to participate in an ‘off campus’ retreat. The students participated in hands-on activities and small and large group discussions where they talked about being brave and trying their hardest to live a Christian life.
I am proud to say that all St. Joseph's students behaved impaccably on the day and made the most of this experience. Thank you to Mr Gilchrist and Miss Ava for attending the retreat with the students and ensuring they had a great day building relationships and connecting with students from other schools.
Term 1 Parish School Mass
All family and friends are warmly invited to attend our Parish School Mass on Sunday, 24th March, at St. Mary's Church commencing at 8:30am. This mass will be led by our students and staff.
If there are any students (Kindy to Year 6) who would like to assist with the Mass, please contact me at louise.senz@lism.catholic.edu.au
The jobs include:
- Hospitality - welcoming parishioners at the entry and handing out hymn books,
- Readers (2 students)
- Prayers of the Faithful.
St Joseph's Feast Day Celebration - Brooms Head - Tuesday, 19th March.
As part of celebrating our Patron Saint - Joseph, our school will celebrate St Joseph’s Day on Tuesday, 19th March. We would like to warmly invite you to help us celebrate this day as a school community which will be held at Brooms Head beach & Caravan Park. During this day, students will take part in a Liturgy by the beach, a beach walk & organised class activities. It is anticipated that this will be a day of relationship building amongst all students & staff and a wonderful opportunity to strengthen our school community.
Each child will receive a sausage sandwich however, students are also welcome to bring a packed lunch & recess. Students are also asked to bring a full water bottle on the day.
Mercy In Action Award
This week's recipient of our prestigious Mercy in Action award is Georgia Salter. Georgia receives this award in recognition of how she embodies all of our Mercy Values each and every day. She is kind and caring to all, demonstrating Compassion. She listens and follows instructions, showing Respect. She makes sure she is fair when playing, showing Justice. She looks after our Kindy students, showing Hospitality. Georgia also shows Service by always being ready and willing to help others, as well as Courage in her learning by not giving up. Through her kind and caring actions, Georgia makes our school a peaceful and happy place to be. Congratulations Georgia!
Mrs Senz
Class Awards
Congratulations to the following students recognised at this fortnight's Awards Assembly:
Principal Awards
Principal Awards | |
Kindy: Hazel Wright Year 1: Ahlia Connor Year 2: Sylvie Donaldson Year 3: Oliver Want | Year 4: Sophia Wright Year 5: Riley Elms Year 6: Amelia Green |
Class Awards
Learning | Values | |
Kindergarten | Alby Anderson | Fletcher Priest |
Year 1 | Sapphire Everett | Lilah Horne |
Year 2 | Paxton Capp | Tamika Cleary-Walker |
Year 3 | Noa Chapman | Max Anderson |
Year 4 | Jai Agic | Sophie Green |
Year 5 | Penny Chapman | Jessika Dalton |
Year 6 | Maria Taylor-Walker | Zoe Brett |
Class News - Stage 2
In Stage 2, students are diving into quality literature, exploring captivating narratives that ignite their imagination. Year Three is engrossed in Roald Dahl's Fantastic Mr Fox, while Year Four delves into Deborah Kelly's The Thing About Oliver. As we read, students actively listen, connecting with their experiences and worldly knowledge to make predictions in the text. They also develop inferencing skills by using evidence in the text and context clues to help them understand the text.
In our Digital Technologies program, students have been actively engaged in problem-solving activities using motorised LEGO models. Through these hands-on experiences, students develop coding and technical skills and cultivate confidence in their ability to tackle complex challenges. These fun and engaging activities serve as valuable tools that equip students with the skills and mindset to navigate the digital landscape and find innovative solutions to real-world problems.
Mrs Mclennan & Mr P
Pastoral Care - School Chaplain
Social Justice- Project Compassion
This week we learn about Memory's story.
As the eldest child in a low-income farming family, Memory faced many barriers to her education. But with the support of Caritas Australia and CADECOM, she enrolled in a technical school and became the first female carpenter in her village.
Memory grew up in the Mwanza district in southern Malawi, with her parents and four siblings. Her parents are subsistence farmers who depend on their crops for survival.
As the eldest child in her family, Memory faced many challenges in her daily life. She had to support her family with domestic chores such as farming, carrying water, cooking and cleaning, alongside her education efforts.
“Growing up in the village was not easy. My parents don’t have a job, so they depend on farming. When the season goes wrong, we suffer a lot and become food insecure. Sometimes we need to bathe without soap. Sometimes we need to walk without shoes,” Memory said.
Please support people like Memory by donating to our Project Compassion fundraiser in your child's classroom or you can donate online via this Link.
Wellbeing initiatives
At St Joseph's, we believe that a holistic approach to education goes beyond the classroom. That's why we offer a diverse range of extra-curricular activities and support programs to ensure the wellbeing of our students.
Extra-curricular activities play a crucial role in the development of our students. These activities, which are not part of the normal school curriculum, provide opportunities for students to explore their interests and talents outside of the academic setting. At St Joseph's, we offer a variety of clubs, including STEM club, creative and performing arts club, dance club, gardening club, singing club, Spanish club, breakfast club, Lego club, and student representative council. These clubs not only enhance the learning experience but also foster a sense of community and belonging among students.
In addition to our extra-curricular activities, we also offer a range of wellbeing programs to support the mental and emotional health of our students. Programs such as Seasons For Growth, Friendship group, and school counselling provide students with the tools and resources they need to navigate the challenges of adolescence and develop resilience.
Furthermore, our library is open every morning, lunch and recess to assist students with school transitions and provide a space for quiet play. The library serves as a sanctuary for students, offering a peaceful environment where they can unwind and recharge.
At St Joseph's, we are committed to providing our students with a well-rounded education that nurtures their minds, bodies, and spirits. We believe that by offering a diverse range of extra-curricular activities and support programs, we can help our students thrive academically, socially, and emotionally.
Ms Juana Mead - Student Wellbeing Officer
School Sport
Dioscesan Swimming Trials
Congratulations to Roo Coulson, Zion Coulson & Albie Patten who not only represented our school, but also the Clarence, at the recent Lismore Dioscesan Swimming Trials last Friday 1st March in Macksville. All 3 boys competed admirably, with a special mention to Zee who finished 3rd in the Junior Boys backstroke. This achievement sees Zee heading down to Sydney to compete in the Polding Trials later this term. Congratulations Zee - this is a wonderful achievement and you should be very proud of your efforts - I know we are!
Diocesan Winter Sports Trials
Congratulations to both Ava Anderson (Rugby Union) & Jacob McIntyre (Hockey) who recently trialled at both the Clarence & Diocesan Winter Sports Trials. Both students we successful for selection in their respective sports and will compete at the Polding Carnivals held later in the year. We wish them both the best of luck in their endeavours and know they will do themselves, their families and our school proud.
Anthony Gilchrist - Sports Coordinator
Technology News
Online Safety
Technology and online trends move at a rapid pace, and it can be hard for busy parents to keep up. The esafety website provides advice for parents and carers to help keep kids safe online. It has great resources and tips, such as:
- How to use parental controls
- Understanding healthy screentime
- Understanding age limits for different technologies
- Benefits and risks of gaming
The eSafety Commissioner also provides live webinars to give parents and carers the knowledge, skills, and tools to support their children in having safe online experiences. Attached are the available Term 1 parent/carer webinars.
Mrs Mclennan
Parent Forum
Thank you to the parents that our attended our first Parent Forum meeting, if you were unable to make it, don't fear we will be hold another meeting in term 2!
This years Parent Forum Executive consdist of:
- Chairperson: Lauren Kirkland
- Secretary: Rebekah Jillet
- Treasurer: Bec Upston
- Parent Assessmbly: Bel Chapman, Lauren Kirkland & Bec Upston
Class Parent Representatives:
- Kindy: Caitlyn Thomas
- Year 1: Alison Barrett
- Year 2: Josie Frances
- Year 3: Bel Chapman
- Year 4: Connie Ellis
- Year 5: Jessica Elms
- Year 6: Bec Bennett
Please see the following Link to a great resource for parents called 'Parent Talk newsletter'. Also please see attached below our minutes from the meeting.
Thank you for the donations that have started to come in for our fundraising Easter Egg Raffles. Looking forward to seeing everyone at the Disco on Monday night.
Lauren Kirkland - Chairperson of the Parent Forum